Seychelles talks about Depression

Seychelles talks about Depression

The Government of Seychelles has called for a scale up of mentalhealthservices so as to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, endorsed at the United Nations General Assembly in 2015.

This appeal was made at the launching of the World Health Day 2017 ceremony under the theme “Depression: Let’s talk”, which took place at the Headquarters of the Ministry of Health, Victoria, Seychelles on April 7th. In his opening remarks, the guest of honor Minister of Health Honorable Jean-Paul Adam said that all stakeholders also need to work together to find solutions to improve the legal, social and financial protection for individuals, families and communities adversely affected by depression and its consequences.

“Today we have the opportunity to support one another, let us renew our commitment to fight against the stigma that is still associated with mental illness. As a nation  it  is  our  duty  to  support  all  those  battling  with  depression  and  any other  mental illness; as the custodian of health and well-being of our people, our ministry is determined to pursue every conceivable path within the  confines of our resources to ensure that we continue with the modernization of the mental health services”.

During the ceremony, the WHO Liaison Officer ai, Dr. Humphrey Karamagi also read the statement of the WHO Regional Director, Dr. Matshidiso Moeti to mark World Health Day. In her message, the Regional Director called on countries to support mental health programmes by allocating adequate human and financial resources to respond to this growing burden and to follow steps identified in The Brazzaville Declaration on Non-Communicable Diseases to include mental health in their national health development agenda. On behalf of the Regional Director, Dr Karamagi reaffirmed WHO’s commitment to supporting the country to address mental illness as an important public health problem. “Depression is preventable and treatable if diagnosed early. Let’s talk about it”, he concluded.

A series of week-long activities followed the launching ceremony all with the objective of bringing light to the issue of depression and mental illness. These included Regional Director’s message in the printed media, Minister’s message on national TV, certificate giving ceremony for staff members who have followed short trainings in Depression, Exhibition on Mental Health, ‘Walk for Mental Health’ from Wellness Centre to Victoria, Well-being day with massages, laughing clinics, stress relieving techniques and counselling on offer, mini symposium on depression and participation of various Mental Health experts in various radio  and TV programmes.

For more information, please contact:

Doreen Hotive (Mrs), NPO/HIP Officer, Tel: (248) 4224795, Email: hotived [at]

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